Monday, September 21, 2009

Messages of Love by Meg Benedicte (Founder of Unified Field Therapy)

It's come to mind that many people may not understand the phenomenon occurring regarding the New Earth Hologram at this time. And so I thought I would share with you some of my experiences from the past years that have led us to this amazing occurrence. For you see, we are in the middle of a global revolution within human consciousness, and this movement is being orchestrated by known intelligence from our Universe.

If you take a look at history you will see many references to the Dark Ages, the period of time when human consciousness fell into vast darkness, like suffering amnesia. For some mysterious reason the past few centuries of human life fell into a deep sleep, forgetting all of the ancient teachings of past science, reason and mysticism. It was like a tidal wave of forgetfulness...wiping out years and years of study, investigation and insight.

And now, during this time in history we are witnessing a global awakening back to these ancient truths. Out of nowhere, mankind is experiencing a wave of awareness we haven't seen before! The path to an enlightened world is opening up to us, and we are being ushered across.

In order to raise human consciousness out of the darkness, we needed Universal intervention. And so many Souls volunteered to travel great distance to visit this beautiful planet and act as human antennas. Our mission has been to enter into the shadow hologram, endure polarity, and awaken our multi-dimensional awareness to the greater mysteries of the Universe. As we opened our channels and receptor sites to higher dimensions, through meditation, healing and prayer, we have become human receivers for higher consciousness.

Acting as human antennas we now can communicate with our Family of Light, the Universal contingent that is sending endless waves of light particles imbued with messages of LOVE. As these particles of consciousness enter our Solar System, we are being bombarded with streams of crystalline packets of loving messages. Our human antennas are receiving these particle waves and ingesting them into our bio-energetics. As we are fed the Universal Light messages of entanglement, or ONE-ness, our energy is being transformed into higher consciousness.

It is these light packets that are awakening our multi-dimensional minds to a unifying message of LOVE, of peace and of community. These streaming messages of ONE-ness are transforming our entire being, and creating a mass of gravity that is attracting in an alternative New Earth reality. As we continue to embody the Light particles we can completely change our human reality into the parallel world hologram of LOVE.

The streaming particles of Crystalline Light are not only transforming our bio-energetics, but also our capacity to radiate out LOVE into the ethers. We are forming a powerful netting of Love particles and causing a massive implosion of Light Consciousness into the dark hologram of polarity. As we continue to embrace these waves of Light into our bodies, hearts, and minds, we are witnessing a complete overhaul of human consciousness.

Allow the transformation to move through your being, as you welcome human reality to shift and awaken to a higher manner of living in the New 5D Earth. Our thoughts are forming a powerful force field of higher awareness that is transmuting the very ethers of our planetary hologram. As we hold this massive shift in our bodies and minds we can begin to transmute the very nature of darkness in our cells. This is happening now, as we speak!

So keep up the notion of human transformation as the letter of the day, the movement of tomorrow, and the outcome for the Ages! Namaste!

Copyright © 2009 Meg Benedicte · All Rights

Quantum Vortex Energy Healing Teleclass/Webcast
hosted by Meg Benedicte

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"LIVE" Vortex Activations 

Within the sacred space of the Quantum Vortex, Meg Benedicte leads participants through a series of healing upgrades and activations in response to group members needs and planetary rhythms. Quantum Vortex Activations support personal healing process with an abundance of life force, deep Soul connection, calm internal balancing, all while releasing limiting programs and energy patterns, fears and belief systems that have long blocked peoples well-being and self-realization.
When and Where

Tuesday, October 13th, 2009
6:00pm - 7:00pm PST
Class fee - $30

Online Class reservation and payment required prior to event. Teleconference Phone number/access code will be provided via email prior to class time.

Buy Now

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Acid Overload

The favorites in our Western diet have us in an Acid Overload. Let's call it the PH imbalance. Most of what people eat and drink is acidic. This is a problem because a PH balanced diet is 75% alkaline and 25% acidic. The alchemy of alkalinity is to give the body the natural derivatives that will help the blood, intestine and liver work, while providing a stronger immunity from bacteria and fungus. Therefore acidic diets, liquids and prescription medications are putting us at risk.

According to the Essential Oils Desk reference when the PH of the blood becomes too acidic, calcium is robbed from  the bones and biochemical changes tax and stress the liver tissues. A the liver's filtering ability becomes impaired, the blood's natural alkaline state becomes even more difficult to maintain- resulting in an environment where fungus, yeast and bacteria thrive, responsible for the release mycotoxins furthering the susceptibility to disease and illness. In addition, the glandular system can become impaired, effecting weight, mood, energy and immunity.

The emphasis of this delicate PH balance could not be stressed enough. Symptoms of an acid overload are bone demineralization, kidney and liver disorders, stroke, asthma, hypertension, obesity, unbalanced blood sugar and more. The antibiotics prescribed to combat such illness kills inhibited cells and only strengthens an acidic environment in the body. By addressing this very issue specifically and directly, we give strength to the blood in such a fundamental way. It is as essential as water intake.

The Evolved Solution
What if it was easy as supporting the work of your blood and organs by feeding them alkaline minerals? It is important to understand that often foods are measured for their PH level in a raw state and not always determinate of how it's digested- therefore acidic lemon turns alkaline in the body.

Keeping a habit of alkalizing before bed or throughout the day will help and is easy to integrate. We do this by adding any of the following to an 8oz glass of water.

1 drop of Lemon Oil                                        1 drop of Citrus Fresh Oil Blend
1 drop of Grapefruit Oil                                    1 drop of Orange Oil
1 teaspoon of Alkalime                                    2 ounces of Ningxia Red
We recommend YL products below along with a powerful treatment we offer "The Raindrop Therapy" exclusively available at Crystalline Healing Center.
To order Young Living products, please visit my personal YL web site at
Citrus Fresh
Citus Fresh Oil
Citrus Fresh™ is a relaxing, calming blend loved by children and adults alike. Rich in the powerful antioxidant d-limonene, it supports the immune system and overall health* while bringing about a sense of well-being, creativity, and feelings of joy. It also works as an air purifier.
Ingredients: Orange (Citrus aurantium), tangerine (Citrus nobilis), mandarin (Citrus reticulata), grapefruit (Citrus paradisi), lemon (Citrus limon), and spearmint (Mentha spicata)
Customer Price: $18.42
Preferred Costumer Price: $16.21

AlkaLime® is a precisely-balanced alkaline mineral and essential oil powder formulated to safely balance the acidity of the digestive system.* This is important because a balanced pH allows the body to maintain vigor and health. This formula helps counteract overconsumption of processed sugars and foods that may turn to sugar in the body, such as pasta, bread, and processed corn products.
Ingredients: Sodium (as sodium bicarbonate and sea salt), Calcium (as calcium carbonate), magnesium (as magnesium citrate), Potassium (as potassium bicarbonate), citric acid, lemon (Citrus limon) rind, and lime (Citrus aurantifolia) rind.

Customer Price: $37.17
Preferred Customer Price: $32.71

Raindrop Therapy
Raindrop Aroma Therapy Treatment
Referred to as "Chiropractic in a bottle", essential oils  are dropped like rain along the spine and then feathered into muscle tissue. Incorporating  crystalline healing to bring the body, mind and spirit back into its natural order. This extraordinarily potent treatment remains active within the body from five to seven days.

  • Reduction or elimination of backache
  • Relaxation and invigoration
  • Increase in energy levels
  • Release of emotional issues and traumas stuck in the body
  • Elevation of mood and elimination of depression
60 Minutes: $120
90 Minutes: $185
Did you Know?
Your body will not allow your blood PH to drop into an acidic state. So it fights to maintain alkaline balance at all costs. If you aren't getting alkalinity from your diet, guess where the body goes to re-mineralize?

Your largest storehouse of minerals in the body: The Tissues, Bones, and Teeth!

"The countless names of illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the the same root cause...too much tissue acid waste in the body!"
Theodore A Baroody, N.D, D.C., Ph.D.

Become a member of YL- Click here to order YL now!

Cedar Martyn, founder & Lead Practitioner
Crystalline Healing
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Founder and lead practitioner of Crystalline Healing Center in Los Angeles, Ca.

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